The Utah Band Masters Association represents Utah band directors by furthering interest in school band music in Utah, sponsoring professional development opportunities for directors, advancing and bettering current school bands, and strengthening the professional standing of the school band teacher in Utah.


Matt Weidner

Christine Wolf
Past President

Orien Landis
UMEA VP of Band

Nate Seamons
Awards/NBA Western/Northwestern Co-Chair

John Miller
Executive Director

Zach Giddings

Allison Dean
Administrative Assistant


Utah Bandmasters Association Midwinter Conference - January 30, 2025

The Utah Bandmasters Association will hold its 13th annual conference on January 30, 2025, conveniently one day before the UMEA conference. This year, our conference will again be held in the Lecture Hall and auditorium at SNOW CANYON High School. We are excited to present more exciting sessions featuring Matthew Arau, Mike Sammons, and a Weber State Symphonic Band performance. We will also have a Collegiate session for those preparing to become band directors.

UBA members must be members of the National Band Association (NBA). We will charge Non-NBA Members $80 for the conference to encourage NBA membership. This is $55 (membership) and $25 (conference fee). So you can see… if members join the NBA, their conference fee remains at $25, just like last year. Retired members can join the NBA for $25. The majority of our UBA members are already members of the NBA. You can join or renew NBA HERE. Collegiate NBA Membership is $5! This will also register Collegiate members in the NBA. There will be a $25 conference fee for current NBA members, including a Jimmy John’s dinner.

Please register online HERE or make checks out to “Utah Bandmasters Association.” All registration and checks should be sent to John Miller 140 N 800 E, American Fork, UT 84003 if you choose not to register online. For information on the schedule and clinicians, click HERE.


Click HERE to view the Utah Bandmaster Association bylaws with proposed revisions.